The Big Butterfly Count
The big butterfly count is a nationwide survey aimed at helping us assess the health of our environment.
Big butterfly count 2017 will take place from Friday 14 July to Sunday 6 August.
Chair of the Warrington Nature Conservation Forum, Geoff Settle said “I have taken part in this survey every year and it is a very important indicator as to the health of our Natural Environment and our members would love it if the Warrington public got involved. It is so easy to do and only takes 15 minutes on a sunny warm day wherever you happen to be at home or on holiday .”
It was launched in 2010 and has rapidly become the world’s biggest survey of butterflies. Over 36,000 people took part in 2016, counting almost 400,000 individual butterflies and day-flying moths across the UK.
Geoff continued “All you have to do is log on to the webite
where you will be able to download a butterfly chart and find out more information, there is even a phone app.
“Yesterday I walked to my local Blackbrook brook and within 15 minutes I had seen 4 beautiful brown/orange commas, 2 large whites and 4 small whites. The day before I only saw one butterfly a Holly Blue and later at the new Spittle Brook bridge a single small white but then it was late in the evening for both sessions.

“Even if you see no butterflies during your 15 minute spell that in itself is worthwhile recording but with the warm and sunny weather ahead I’m sure that you will see loads.
Geoff says that It’s good fun and a bit like conducting a treasure hunt, that you can do anywhere, but make sure that it is a safe place and well away from any hazards, especially underfoot. You don’t want to be focused on the butterfly working out the species and tripping yourself up as you try and get a closer look.
Geoff Settle July 2017